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Quotebuster form FAQ
Holiday Bargains Enquiry form
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Had a firm quote from another Agent - let's see if I can bust it!
If I send you a quotebuster form, will I receive lots of spam, adverts and miscellaneous junk?
I've already sent you a quotebuster, so why have I not heard from you?
I've received an automated response but why have you not sent me quote?
Why do you want my phone or fax number?
Why do you ask for so much information?
Can I send more than one quotebuster?

Q If I send you a quotebuster form, will I receive lots of spam, adverts and miscellaneous junk?

A No! I do not pass your contact information to any third parties (see my privacy policy) and I do not send you anything you haven't asked for. By completing an enquiry form you are asking me to try and beat a quote that you have had for a holiday and that's what I will do. Nothing else!
Faq Index

Q I've already sent you a quotebuster, so why have I not heard from you?

A The most common reason is that I have been unable to contact you using the contact details you submitted. In every case, when you submit a quotebuster you should receive an automated response by email within 15 minutes or so. If you don't receive this response, it is almost certainly because your entered an invalid email address (which is very easy to do). Please send me an email and I'll put everything right.
Faq Index

Q I've received an automated response but why have you not sent me a quote?

A If you have received an automated response message then your enquiry has been logged in my system against the given Enquiry Reference No. and I will endeavour to get some quotes to you by the date indicated in the message.

I spend a great deal of time and effort with each and every enquiry to try to find the best possible bargains matching your specific needs. However, this service is in big demand and I receive many enquiries every day. Inevitably, at peak times, this can lead to delays. If, for any particular reason you really do need a quicker response than indicated in your automated response message, please call me on 08707 571 571 (or send me an email), quoting your Enquiry Reference No. and I will act accordingly. Otherwise, please bear with me - I will be in touch shortly.
Faq Index

Q Why do you want my phone or fax number?

A For a variety of good reasons I cannot proceed with an enquiry without a valid telephone or fax number. Here are two of those reasons:

First of all, it is very easy to make an error when entering your email address on the quotebuster form (and believe me, lots and lots of people do). If I didn't have another means of contact I wouldn't be unable to get in touch and you would miss out on your holiday bargains.

Secondly, many of my bargains are only available for a short time and I may need to contact you urgently.

However, I do realise that some people may be concerned about divulging such information. If you have any such concerns, then my privacy policy should put your mind at ease.
Faq Index

QWhy do you ask for so much information?

A Over 90% of the email enquiries that I receive contain ambiguous information or are missing vital details altogether. Subsequently, I enter into a dialogue with the client to clarify requirements. This takes up vital time, affecting and delaying my service to you. With the quotebuster form, I try, in one fell swoop to obtain all the information that I need to trace the exact holiday for which you have been quoted.
Faq Index

Q Can I send more than one quotebuster?

A If you must, but...
   ...please remember that I am a simple girl and I become confused very easily. If you have really had two different quotes for two different holiday dates then by all means send me two quotebusters. However, if you have had more than one quote for the same holiday, please just send one quotebuster (You can always detail more than one quote on the form). I get really confused when I receive two or more forms for the same holiday dates, and when I get really confused, I struggle to deal with your enquiry quickly and efficiently.
Faq Index

If you can't find the answer to your question on this page, please send an email to Admin@holidaybargains.org
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