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Linking to my site
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You are welcome to do so
If you would like to link your site to mine, I am happy for you to use any of the links shown below provided that your site is suitable (not illegal, not of an adult nature etc). If you have any doubt about what is "suitable", please send me an email.

I do ask two things:
  1. Please send me an email to tell me about your link (I will check it out to ensure suitability).
  2. Please respect my copyright and make no modifications to my images without permission.

I don't pay you to display our link. I just say "you are free to do so if you wish" and "thank you". However, please mention your link whenever you contact me with a holiday enquiry ;-)

There are four ways to link to my site:
1. Banner Link like this:
Holiday Bargains independent ABTA travel agent
To create the link:

Copy the image file to your web folder (in Internet Explorer, right click the above image and select "save").

Add the following code to your web page:
 <a href="http://www.holidaybargains.org"><img src="hb_link1.gif" border="0" alt="Holiday Bargains independent ABTA travel agent">

Add some words of wisdom such as "click here to fly to the best holiday site in the world"
2. Animated Link like this:
Holiday Bargains independent ABTA travel agent
To create the link:

Copy the image file to your web folder (in Internet Explorer, right click the above image and select "save").

Add the following code to your web page:
 <a href="http://www.holidaybargains.org"><img src="hb_link2.gif" border="0" alt="Holiday Bargains independent ABTA travel agent">

Add some words of wisdom such as "For cheap travel and superb service we recommend Holiday Bargains"
3. Static Image Link like this:
Holiday Bargains independent ABTA travel agent
To create the link:

>Copy the image file to your web folder (in Internet Explorer, right click the above image and select "save").

>Add the following code to your web page: <a href="http://www.holidaybargains.org"><img src="hb_link3.gif" border="0" alt="Holiday Bargains independent ABTA travel agents">

Add some words of wisdom such as "Click here to for best travel site on the web."

4. Text Link like this:
Click here to fly to Holiday Bargains, the internet's premier travel site.
To create the link:

Add the following code to your web page:
Click here to fly to <a href="http://www.holidaybargains.org">Holiday Bargains</a>, the internet's premier travel site.

N.B. Please feel free to modify the text to something even more complimentary if you wish
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